Tobacco and cannabis are one of the commonly used drugs. Their spread and usage have been attributed to many things with the ancient explorers. These two drugs are administered into the body through smoking. Different users use these drugs differently, some as cigarettes, others cooked in food and some in joints. The latest trend of taking these drugs is however through the water pipes, popularly known as bongs. They have been used since the ancient times. The mode of smoking tobacco and cannabis varies with different people. There are those who just smoke normally while others use the water pipe popularly known as bongs to smoke cannabis and tobacco. The use of this instrument is advantageous to the smoker for it filters the smoke from all the heavy particles before they reach your lungs. It also contains a bowl with water that is used to cool the smoke to prevent it from reaching the airways when hot.
These smoking apparatus come in different shapes and sizes. The material used also differ ranging from acrylic, ceramic and glass to the less weak ones made of bamboo. They are composed of four parts: A bowl, a downstream, tube and a base.
Most people who use these bongs are the youth. They perceive the smoking of either cannabis or tobacco via the water pipes as being trendy and fashionable. Nowadays almost every club in big cities makes their access to be possible and easy. One can also buy them from a general store near them. A lot has been said about these bongs, both positive.
A lot has been associated with the use of bong to smoke tobacco and cannabis. Use of bongs reduces the toxicity of tobacco and cannabis when it filters through the water. Blog
Moreover, latest research has stated that administration weed through water pipes is even more useful to the respiratory system than the normal joints. This is so because water tends to filter out more THC (the active component in cannabis) therefore triggering the user to smoke more to reach the desired effect. It is also proven in studies that tar usually absorbs lesser THC than water in bongs.
It is almost the same scenario with tobacco. Tobacco users also believe that water is more effective than the filters in cigarettes. Use of bongs to smoke tobacco and cannabis are an effective way minimizing the harm that may arise from the smoking of cannabis or tobacco as joints or cigarette respectively.